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stray thoughts

4.28.24- have been kinda ignoring this. lots of photos since the last update, will attempt to upload them over a couple of days. nothings really keeping me busy im just lazy.

ive been thinking about making a blog or something on here. i made a seperate site for that but i've also been ignoring that, its just turned into a failed attempt at keeping a (digital) diary thing. i'll probably delete it

3.21.24- has been too cold so i havent really been able to go and take pictures. i still have some from like last week that i didnt upload

3.10.24- finally finished homestuck. i think i only processed like half of what happened

it's been nice out recently, might go on a walk tomorrow

3.03.24- desperately trying to turn this site into something i can be proud of,, it is not quite working. i think ill have to clear the updates box to do that and i am too lazy to do that

first day in a while that i've felt like a person and not some sort of creature

3.02.24- if anyone points out how off the pictures are in the container things i think ill cry

1.13.24- nervous young inhumans 2011 is going to kill me

1.12.24- had a dream last night that i finally cut bangs maybe it was a sign. in said dream i was also having issues with them after so idk maybe i should cut my hair anyway i've been wanting to. afraid of fucking it up though